Our Projects

We publish various premium specialised websites / portals:
Intelligenthq.com - a Business Intelligence Digital thought leadership network for Businesses, professionals, senior managers and industry sector drivers. It provides digital business insights, resources and education about new economic trends, innovation and alternative finance. IntelligentHQ is a thought leadership platform for social businesses.
Hedgethink.com - a primary destination for alternative investors and hedge funds.
HedgeThink.com is a digital meeting place for fund managers and investors all over the world.
tradersdna.com - a leading digital and social media platform for traders and investors. TradersDNA offers premiere resources for trading and investing education, digital resources for personal finance, market analysis and free trading guides.
socialmediacouncil.org - a 'brands-only' peer-2-peer community to allow members to understand how social media impacts their roles, employers and industries.
openbusinesscouncil.org a 360 degrees hub supporting business, SMEs and startups in an open and transparent way.
tokensdna.com (beta))

We build blockchain / AI IP and software:
   1- Blockchain & AI IP and software / patents.
    * We built the following IP products:
      * blocksdna
    * b2b blockchain AI software and patents (see bellow)
      * influencedna
    * B2b2c DLT messaging profile loyalty - marketplace - exchange for influencers, brands and users at large - product app and patents
      * lifesdna (link to www.lifesdna.com)
    * b2c brand that will be offering the blocksdna IP product in a near future
  2- Data analytics AI dashboard
    * Digital Data Driven Transformation based in proprietary AI - swarm intelligence;